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Index of Names
Photo Gallery

Thomas Family Genealogy

The relatives and ancestors of
Zachary, MaryAnn & Elijah Thomas

Including from the USA: Carlton, Smith, Summers
Including from New Zealand: Galt, Taylor, Ward

MaryAnn - Elijah - Zachary
December 2004

Thanks for taking some time to review this genealogy project.
This genealogy is a work in progress.  Your feedback will enhance this project. 

Feel free to send me additional information, corrections, photos, and ideas.

Please include the number that follows the name of the individuals you are writing about.

The Index of Names is organised by surname (last name)
with the wife listed by her maiden name

Please Note: For privacy reasons living individuals have only their name and photo (if I have it).
I may have more information, email me to see what I have.

Last update: Tuesday, 30 August 2005


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